Reflective Rambling has been home to my wandering mind and stream-of-consciousness thoughts for years, but it's time for a change. It's time for bigger challenges and new adventures and being a big kid.

Given my strange love for words, I've decided to start freelancing as a wordsmith - that is, an all-around linguistic miracle-worker. That way, I can words as much as I want. However, in the process, Reflective Rambling is temporarily shutting down and posts have been removed, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop writing.

I will not stop writing. I'm only relocating.

You've been an incredible readership in supporting me to keep Reflective Rambling running. Now I'm seeking your support in keeping Monica Gerges running. That's me, by the way. As I transition into freelancing and as I give Reflective Rambling its new home - with old posts, revamped posts, and new posts coming your way - I ask for your support in the same simple ways you've supported me over here...

1. I have a new Facebook page where I'll be posting all my updates; please like it.
2. Continue reading the crazy things I put to paper.
3. Spread the word. 

In a moment of complete vulnerability, it's nerve-wracking and thrilling and overwhelming to be taking such a seemingly small step. I'm not just relocating my blog and claiming my domain; I'm declaring myself a writer. I'm giving myself a title: wordsmith. And that's scary. And exciting. And scary.

Here goes!